James Markham, Ph.D., J.D., CPCU

Senior Economist New Jersey

James_MarkhamContact: jmarkham@cfes.com

James Markham, a Senior Economist at the Center for Forensic Economic Studies, concentrates on the analysis of issues arising in labor and employment litigation, commercial matters, personal-injury and wrongful-death claims and insurance coverage and claims matters.

Prior to joining the Center, he served as Senior Vice President and head of the curriculum department at the American Institute for CPCU (Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter), where he developed many of the Institute’s academic courses and programs. He has also worked as a liability claims examiner and has practiced law.

He is the author and editor of numerous texts on insurance topics. These texts include Property Loss Adjusting(Insurance Institute of America, first edition, 1990, and second edition,1995), Medical Aspects of Claims (Insurance Institute of America, 1991), Principles of Workers Compensation Claims (Insurance Institute of America, 1992) and The Claims Environment (with Kevin M. Quinley and Layne S. Thompson, Insurance Institute of America, 1993).

He taught economics courses at Temple University, The University of Delaware and Villanova University.

He received his doctorate in Economics from the University of Delaware, his MSBA (a joint master of business administration and master of science degree) from Temple University and his law degree from Villanova University School of Law.

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